Debbie Koehn began our evening together by sharing how her schools has moved forward by listening to students and coaching them to have deeper conversations. View her slides here. HandoutN.pptx To learn more about Deb Koehns work, see Learners in the Lead and Beyond Buddies
We then deepened our own learning through our own conversations that connected Debbie's work with our own through the lens of the three "learner engagement" questions: What are you learning? How is your learning going? Where to next?
See our wall-wisher notes for what we learned that will drive what's next for us.
Our FALL MEETING in Port Alberni was a big success!
Be sure to read our thoughts on four big questions:
How do we see NPBS inquiry connecting to the 21 Century Learning?
How can we incorporate more technology into our inquiries?
I agree Linda. Shelley has done an outstanding job with this wiki. She is using the technology in a meaningful way in order to engage others to join in the Network conversations and easily connect with schools and learn about innovations. Thank you also Linda and Judy for your continued vision of leading teams and schools into the future through the vehicle of the NPBS. Our students' learning improves as a result.
It was great to see at your regional NPBS meeting last night the number of people and feel the energy in the room at VIU! I was also pleased to see some of our VIU 'teachers-in-training' in the room learning of and gaining from the network. Congratulations and thank you to all in attendance for your dedication!
It is our hope at VIU to continue connecting our student teachers with educators who are dedicated and engaged in the important work of improving learning for K-12 students (these relationships are yet another professional learning network). For any of those in attendance who have not worked with student teachers in the past and may be interested, please let us know of your interest. I can be contacted at the following :
John Phipps, EdD
Field Experience Coordinator / Professor
Faculty of Education
Vancouver Island University
I particularly liked the presence of the student-teachers. It’s so refreshing to see that new teachers are being introduced to what’s happening “in the field”. Thank you mid-island team for all your work and your leadership!
Comments (5)
linda kaser said
at 1:24 pm on Nov 17, 2009
I just want to congratulate the mid island group on their technology leadership - I like the idea of help finding a school with a shared interest!
Linda Kaser
Gregg Halfyard said
at 8:47 pm on Nov 17, 2009
I agree Linda. Shelley has done an outstanding job with this wiki. She is using the technology in a meaningful way in order to engage others to join in the Network conversations and easily connect with schools and learn about innovations. Thank you also Linda and Judy for your continued vision of leading teams and schools into the future through the vehicle of the NPBS. Our students' learning improves as a result.
John Phipps said
at 10:44 am on Feb 3, 2010
It was great to see at your regional NPBS meeting last night the number of people and feel the energy in the room at VIU! I was also pleased to see some of our VIU 'teachers-in-training' in the room learning of and gaining from the network. Congratulations and thank you to all in attendance for your dedication!
It is our hope at VIU to continue connecting our student teachers with educators who are dedicated and engaged in the important work of improving learning for K-12 students (these relationships are yet another professional learning network). For any of those in attendance who have not worked with student teachers in the past and may be interested, please let us know of your interest. I can be contacted at the following :
John Phipps, EdD
Field Experience Coordinator / Professor
Faculty of Education
Vancouver Island University
jbouchard@... said
at 1:37 pm on Feb 4, 2010
I particularly liked the presence of the student-teachers. It’s so refreshing to see that new teachers are being introduced to what’s happening “in the field”. Thank you mid-island team for all your work and your leadership!
mhancock@... said
at 2:10 pm on Feb 4, 2010
It was great to get an opportunity to connect with partners exploring "like" questions and share what is and isn't working.
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